11th February | Safer Internet Day | Confirmed (Virtual) |
February 17th - 20th: 12:00am - 4:00pm | The 8th Meeting of The ATU Task Group on Emerging Technologies | Confirmed (Virtual) |
February 25th: 1:00 pm -3:00 pm | Webinar on Metaverse regulation and policy for African Countries jointly organized by ATU & ITU | Confirmed (Virtual) |
March 12th: 1:00pm - 4:00pm | Invitation to a meeting on the Review of WTSA-24 Outcomes and Implications for Africa | Confirmed (Virtual) |
March 2025 (TBC) | ATU Africa Innovation Challenge 2024 Award Ceremony | Planned (Virtual) |
April 7th - 10th | ITU Regional development Forum (RPM), WTDC-25 Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa (RPM-AFR) in Nairobi, Kenya, and ATU APM25-3 for WTDC and Joint Workshop on Satellite Communications (ATU/GSOA) at the same venue on 10 April 2025 | Planned (Physical) |
May 5th - 9th TBC | 1st African Preparatory Meeting for WTSA-28 (Venue TBC) | Planned
June 17th – 19th TBC | ATU Administrative Council in Senegal | Planned Physical |
August 11th – 15th TBC | 2nd African Preparatory Meeting for WRC-27 in the East Africa region | Planned
August 25th – 29th (TBC) | 3rd and Final APM25-3 for WTDC-25 (venue TBD) | Planned
September 24th - 25th (TBC) | ATU Digital Summit 2025 in Kenya or Mauritius | Planned
December 7th | ATU Telecommunications/ICT Day | Planned