Invitation to the Award Ceremony of the ATU Africa Innovation Challenge 2021 virtually

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12 October
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Invitation to the Award Ceremony of the ATU Africa Innovation Challenge 2021 virtually

Recurring Event (See all)



Invitation to the Award Ceremony of the ATU Africa Innovation Challenge 2021 virtually on 12th October 2021 from 11: 00 AM-12:45 PM (EAT)// Invitation à la cérémonie de remise des prix du Concours de l’Innovation Afrique 2021 de l’UAT le 12 octobre 20

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Invitation to the Award Ceremony of The ATU Africa Innovation Challenge 2021


Invitation à la cérémonie de remise des prix du Concours de l’Innovation Afrique 2021 de l’UAT

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