Africa Telecommunications Union

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Africa Telecommunications Union

African Telecommunications Union

January 2022

2nd Meeting of ATU TG Spectrum Recs related to its work on Draft Spectrum Chapter for ATU Strategic Plan 2023 to 2026

January 31, 2022-11:00 am - February 1, 2022-4:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
2nd Meeting of ATU TG Spectrum Recs related to its work on Draft Spectrum Chapter for ATU Strategic Plan 2023 to 2026 Invitation to the 2 nd Meeting of the ATU Task Group on Spectrum Recommendations on matters related to its Work on the Development of a Draft Spectrum Chapter for the ATU Strategic Plan 2023 to 2026Invitation à la 2ème réunion du Groupe de travail de l’UAT sur les recommandations relatives au spectre sur des questions liées à ses…
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February 2022

The 2nd meeting of Satellite Resources regarding the Harmonized Satellite Licensing Framework

February 8, 2022-10:00 am - February 10, 2022-1:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
Invitation to the 2nd Meeting of the ATU Task Group on Satellite Resources related to its Work on the Development of a Draft Model Framework for Satellite Licensing in AfricaInvitation à la 2ème réunion du Groupe de travail de l’UAT sur les ressources satellitaires dans le cadre de ses travaux sur l’élaboration d’un projet de cadre modèle pour l’octroi des licences de satellite en Afrique
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Preparatory meeting for the forthcoming 40th ITSO Assembly of Parties (AP40) in March 2022 (ATU Member States ONLY)

February 9, 2022-2:00 pm - February 10, 2022-4:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
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1st meeting of TG Broadcasting regarding ATU Digital Sound Broadcasting Strategy

February 23, 2022-11:00 am - February 25, 2022-2:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
Invitation to the 1st Meeting of the ATU Task Group on Broadcasting related to its Work on the Development of a Draft Strategy on Introduction of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) in AfricaInvitation à la 1ère réunion du Groupe de travail de l’UAT sur la radiodiffusion relative à ses travaux sur l’élaboration d’un projet de stratégie en vue de l’introduction de la radiodiffusion sonore numérique (DSB) en Afrique
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August 2022

Invitation to the Validation Forum of Draft Documents on Digital Sound Broadcasting

August 22, 2022-11:00 am - August 23, 2022-2:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
Invitation {EN} Invitation {FR}
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February 2023

March 2023

IMT in the mobile service/ Broadband applications in the mobile service

March 7, 2023-11:00 am - March 9, 2023-4:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union


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April 2023

May 2023

Finance Committee of the ATU Administrative Council (on invitation)

May 3, 2023-12:00 pm - May 5, 2023-3:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
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June 2023

August 2023

Invitation to Participate in the 3rd Edition of the ATU Africa Innovation Challenge//Invitation à participer à la 3ème édition du Concours de l’innovation pour l’Afrique de l’UAT

August 24, 2023-8:00 am - October 20, 2023-5:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
Dear Sir/Madam, Kindly find attached the invitation to Participate in the 3rd Edition of the ATU Africa Innovation Challenge in 2023. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us via Mr Jesse Wamwayi: Best regards, ATU Secretariat. Invitation to Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning from Africa to Participate in the 3rd Edition of the ATU Africa Innovation ChallengeInvitation to Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning from Africa to Participate in the 3rd Edition of the ATU Africa…
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September 2023

Invitation to an Online Stakeholder Validation Workshop on The Universal Service Funds (USF) Report

September 4, 2023-2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
Dear Sir/Madam, Kindly find attached the invitation to the online Stakeholder validation workshop on the Universal Service Funds (USF) Report on 4 September 2023, from 14:00 to 15:30 (EAT). Register to attend via: Best regards, ATU Secretariat INVITATION - Fr INVITATION - En Concept Note - Fr Concept Note - En Invitation to USF Session by ATU & GSMA - Fr Invitation to USF Session by ATU & GSMA - En
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February 2024

Award ceremony of the 3rd series of the ATU Africa Innovation Challenge (Hybrid)

February 9
Africa Telecommunications Union, African Telecommunications Union
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