WG5 General issues

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WG5 General issues

July 31-11:00 am - August 1-2:00 pm | Recurring Event (See all)

31 Jul 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

E-Meeting – Nairobi

Kindly find attached invitation from the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) to the 4th meetings of the ATU WRC-23 Working Groups.

The meetings will take place online as per the attached schedule of dates.

The objective of the meetings is to prepare recommendations to APM23-4 in relation to the preferred methods – the methods of which should be in line with the preliminary positions taken at APM23-3: it would be for APM23-4 to consider any material change to the preliminary positions (and therefore select associated methods, as appropriate).

Input contributions should be made available 5 working days before the start of a given meeting via sg@atuuat.africa with copy to k.mwale@atuuat.africa. Note: the CPM Report on whose text the contributions should be based can be found on https://www.itu.int/md/R19-CPM23.2-R-0001/en

Best regards,

ATU Secretariat

Invitation To The 4th Meetings Of The ATU WRC-23 Working Groups

Invitation Aux Quatrièmes Réunions Des Groupes De Travail De L’uat En Vue De La Cmr-23

Dates for the 4 th Meetings of ATU WRC-23 Working Groups to prepare recommended methods to APM23-4

Fr - Dates for the 4 th Meetings of ATU WRC-23 Working Groups to prepare recommended methods to APM23-4




African Telecommunications Union


E-Meeting – Nairobi


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